Local time: 2024-05-11: 3:21:52 AM © Copyright 2003–2013 Darkhorse WinterWolf


Fur Code Interface

Welcome to the Fur Code web interface!

The decoded version of this furcode has been determined to be:

Section#ValueTranslated Meaning
Furry Species1CM4arwCanid: Domestic Mutt. The character is a general alter-ego, a role playing character and someone to write stories about.
Art1--Never tried.
Conventions1->++Never been to one, but may do so in future, but I'd like this to become I'm a regular con-goer, and I've occasionally lent a paw.
Dressing Up1++I'll wear a fursuit at cons/sporting events (where costumes are uncommon).
Hugs1++I'll hug anyone I know, given a faint excuse.
Mucking and Mudding1-Never been able to dredge up enough interest (or time) to try it.
Plush Critters1+I have been known to cuddle a few.
Realism vs. Tooniness1++Figments of the imagination have anatomies too, you know.
Transformation1+++Definitely! (as long as I get to choose the species).
Writing1->+I have these scribblings but nobody is ever going to see them!, but I'd like this to become I've sold stuff to fanzines that are furry related.
Zines1-Not really interested.
Furry Sex1mMale, Never had TinySex, but wouldn't rule it out.
Real Life1CTComputers/Information Technology.
Age1 20-29 Years.
Computers1ln++++Favourite system(s): Linux and Windows. I'll be first in line to get a cybernetic interface installed in my skull.
Doom, Quake, etc.1?Haven't decided yet.
Education1+Some tertiary education.
Real Life Furriness1 I make an occasional reference to my furriness.
Housing1-Living alone, get out once a week to buy food, all surfaces covered in computers and/or zines.
Internet1++I spend most of my spare time surfing the Web, and read any newsgroup that catches my interest.
Anime1 Seen it, might think about seeing it again some time.
Pets1 One pet of a fairly conventional type (cat, dog, etc).
Human Sex1m+Male, I've had real, live sex.

If this script fails to decode a furcode, and you are sure that it is properly defined, please let me know about it, and I'll try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

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