Local time: 2024-05-02: 5:19:22 AM © Copyright 2003–2013 Darkhorse WinterWolf


Fur Code Interface

Welcome to the Fur Code web interface!

Code complete

Congratulations, you've finished creating your furcode. Your new code is:

FDS3ad A+ C- D H++ M--- P R- T+++ W Z? Sm# RLM* a- cmn+ d? e+ f-- h+ iw+ j++ p- sm-

If you'd like to add this code to your furcode, you can use the following code to provide a link to the decoder:

This produces a link as shown below. If you want to make sure your code has been encoded correctly, click on the link to run it through the decoder:

Decode my furcode:
FDS3ad A+ C- D H++ M--- P R- T+++ W Z? Sm# RLM* a- cmn+ d? e+ f-- h+ iw+ j++ p- sm-

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