Local time: 2025-02-23: 3:38:28 AM © Copyright 2003–2013 Darkhorse WinterWolf


Random Fortune

Welcome to the winterwolf.co.uk fortune server. It's just a bit of fun, you'll get a random fortune from the collection available on jesmos.winterwolf.co.uk each time you visit the page.

/ Sometime when you least expect it, Love \
| will tap you on the shoulder... and ask |
| you to move out of the way because it   |
| still isn't your turn.                  |
|                                         |
\ -- N. V. Plyter                         /
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    |    .-..__            ___   .--' \  |\   \  |
   |o o  |     ``--.___.  /   `-'      \  \\   \ |
    `--''        '  .' / /             |  | |   | \
                 |  | / /              |  | |   mmm
                 |  ||  |              | /| |
                 ( .' \ \              || | |
                 | |   \ \            // / /
                 | |    \ \          || |_|
                /  |    |_/         /_|

Cowsay provides the amusing ASCII art to surround the fortune. Click here for another fortune with a random cowfile. If you'd prefer, pick a cowfile from the list and get another fortune with that cow:

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