Random Fortune
Welcome to the winterwolf.co.uk fortune server. It's just a bit of fun, you'll get a random fortune from the collection available on jesmos.winterwolf.co.uk each time you visit the page.
_______________________________________ / I believe that professional wrestling \ | is clean and everything else in the | | world is fixed. | | | \ -- Frank Deford, sports writer / --------------------------------------- \ . . \ / `. .' " \ .---. < > < > .---. \ | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / | _____ ..-~ ~-..-~ | | \~~~\.' `./~~~/ --------- \__/ \__/ .' O \ / / \ " (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/ `----. / } | / \__/ `-. | / | / `. ,~~| ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' | / | / ~-. `-. _ _ _ |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ _> |
Cowsay provides the amusing ASCII art to surround the fortune. Click here for another fortune with a random cowfile. If you'd prefer, pick a cowfile from the list and get another fortune with that cow: