Local time: 2024-09-19: 10:00:09 PM © Copyright 2003–2013 Darkhorse WinterWolf


Fur Code Interface

Welcome to the Fur Code web interface!

The decoded version of this furcode has been determined to be:

Section#ValueTranslated Meaning
Furry Species1CFsmp3aswCanid: Psychic Fox with magical powers with polymorph ability. The character is a general alter-ego, a guardian spirit or totem and someone to write stories about.
Art1-Tried a few sketches in the privacy of my own home.
Conventions1+I've been to several, and plan to go to many more.
Dressing Up1 I might wear a fursuit.
Hugs1+I'll accept hugs, and maybe even give the occasional one.
Mucking and Mudding1 Tried them once or twice, may do it again sometime.
Plush Critters1 I like them, they sit on my shelves collecting dust.
Realism vs. Tooniness1--The toonier the better.
Transformation1+++Definitely! (as long as I get to choose the species).
Writing1 I've written a story that somebody else has read.
Zines1 I have a few furry zines.
Furry Sex1m#Male, Prefer not to say.
Real Life1CT*Trained in Computers/Information Technology, but haven't managed to convince anyone to pay me for doing this yet.
Age1#Prefer not to say.
Computers1l+++Favourite system(s): Linux. Hey, if there was anything else to life, there'd be a newsgroup about it.
Doom, Quake, etc.1+++I can solve every level in Nightmare mode with my eyes shut; I crank out new WAD files daily.
Education1#Prefer not to say.
Real Life Furriness1++++I am not a human, I am a furry!.
Housing1 Living alone, other furries come to visit.
Internet1wf+++~wf++I have a web site that mentions furries. I'm a webmaster/webmistress/site administrator. Sometimes: I have a web site that mentions furries. I spend most of my spare time surfing the Web, and read any newsgroup that catches my interest.
Anime1++I watch it in all my spare time (furry fandom is, of course, not spare time).
Pets1+Two or three conventional pets (cats, dogs, etc), or one fairly exotic one.
Human Sex1m#Male, Prefer not to say.

If this script fails to decode a furcode, and you are sure that it is properly defined, please let me know about it, and I'll try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

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