Local time: 2025-02-19: 3:19:28 PM © Copyright 2003–2013 Darkhorse WinterWolf


Fur Code Interface

Welcome to the Fur Code web interface!

The decoded version of this furcode has been determined to be:

Section#ValueTranslated Meaning
Furry Species1UAf3acsUrsine: Toon Polar bear. The character is a general alter-ego, a costume I wear and a guardian spirit or totem.
Art1-Tried a few sketches in the privacy of my own home.
Conventions1->Never been to one, but may do so in future, but I'd like this to become I've been to one.
Dressing Up1++++I've made plans to be buried in a fursuit.
Hugs1+++If it moves, I'll hug it (if it doesn't move, I'll hug it until it moves).
Mucking and Mudding1-Never been able to dredge up enough interest (or time) to try it.
Plush Critters1++++Where'd my plushie go? Oh, it's buried under my stuffies.
Realism vs. Tooniness1-I like both, but prefer toons.
Transformation1++Yes, if it's reversible.
Writing1-I have these scribblings but nobody is ever going to see them!.
Zines1-Not really interested.
Furry Sex1m-Male, Celibate.
Real Life1ATFurry of All Trades (Specialisation is for insects).
Real Life2CTComputers/Information Technology.
Age1 20-29 Years.
Computers1adlnw++++$Favourite system(s): Amiga, MS-DOS, Linux, Windows and Windows 3.x. I'll be first in line to get a cybernetic interface installed in my skull. I do this for money.
Doom, Quake, etc.1++I've got pretty good at it; I can get through most levels easily; I've downloaded and played other WADs.
Education1**Graduate degree from the School of Hard Knocks.
Real Life Furriness1+++I've been known to bark at people I don't know to greet them.
Housing1--Living in a cave with 47 computers and a T1 line.
Housing2*I'm still stuck living with my parents.
Housing3**I'm not sure where I live any more; my workplace/lab seems like home to me.
Internet1+++$I'm a webmaster/webmistress/site administrator. I do this for money.
Anime1*I'll watch it, but only if it's all in English.
Pets1-No pets currently, but I may enrich my life in the future.
Human Sex1m#Male, Prefer not to say.

If this script fails to decode a furcode, and you are sure that it is properly defined, please let me know about it, and I'll try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

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